August 04, 2012

On a perfect world

Everybody has their own image of a perfect world. It's because of this that there will never be one, because there will always be people who are unhappy, and it's in human nature to find reasons to be unhappy. But, I'd like to create for a moment in your mind, my perfect world.

First, women are equal to men- in all ways. Our salaries are the same, our power over the other is the same. Our clothes and hair and makeup are the same. Our needs are the same, and that is recognized.

Secondly, you are allowed to love whoever you want, whenever you want. No one has any say. No priest, no government, no parent, has the right to take that away from you. If love means sex to you, you are allowed to give and receive this. And because boys and girls are equal, it would work. You don;t have to make a life commitment. It is recognized you can love more than one person at once.

Everyone's opinions are valued, and the world makes the laws together. Anyone can make a suggestion, and then everyone votes. Children who can understand the question can vote, and their vote counts for just as much as anyone else. Elderly people, people with mental illnesses. People in prison. I don't care where they are in life, they have an opinion and should be heard.

The world is not divided up into territories. There are no countries and states/provinces and towns and city and districts. Everyone is connected with everyone else. No separation.

Also, no money. Everyone gets what they need. No more, no less. No matter what job they work. To start my utopia, I would balance everyone out. Those in huge mansions, and those in cardboard boxes. In 4 bedroom houses and 2 room apartments. My family would lose. Because we are privileged. We are middle class, and so we would move down. Our house can fit at least 5 or six people.

I would stop expansion and construction. I know I can;t stop it entirely, but I would fill in the spaces first. We can fit 2 or 3 more people in our house, so that's what we'd do. Share a kitchen, share the shelves. No more than we all need.

The internet would be controlled. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm against censorship, but in my utopia, I don;t want people sitting on screens all day. So there would be only educational games and sites. Everyone should be educated, but after the first generation, I would turn schools into apartments and everyone would be homeschooled. But at the age they would go into high school, they teach themselves.

I could say so much more, there are so many problems in our world. But for now I'll stop. It makes me sad that some things are just a meeting away, and our government can't be bothered.