July 29, 2012

On The Dark Knight Rises

Well, I was in love with Heath Ledger's Joker for a few years. I still am in love with him. It's not Heath, I've never liked many of his other roles. It was the Joker. So now I have to go in and watch the conclusion without anything from him. I mean, I love Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan by themselves, but I miss him. A lot. But what about the new movie?

Well, Bane. He was... Good. He was another more realistic charecter, but really, that mask was too showy, no matter how much you justify it. But whatever, it was a cool effect. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, I'm always very happy to see. I really really like his ears.

But I found the movie didn't hang together as well as it could have. It was a lot happening, but there wasn't as much of a point. I was expecting an action movie, and that's what I got. No real meaning, no new comments on society. I mean, I could and have written essay upon essay on the moral code and beliefs of the Joker. Here, there wasn't really that element. There wasn't really a challenge to the Batman's moral code or anything.

And the cave-pit thing? What was with all the chanting? I mean, we get it! Rise! We don't need ten more minutes of it! And a flat screen TV in the prison? Really? Kind of out of context. I think they dragged that part out a little.

Anyways, yeah. Oh, and I enjoyed cat-woman. She was a cool fighting element, as well as a questionable is she good or bad? And she wasn't too bad to look at either. (: So it was a good movie, but of course it didn't live up to the Dark Knight, and nobody should expect it to. Wish you could have seen it, Heath. R.I.P.

July 19, 2012

On Fortune-telling

I don't believe anyone can see the future. But I do believe in tarot cards, and other tools of fortune telling. I believe that the topics and clues that tarot cards are so general, they apply to everybody. So you see in the cards what your mind wants you to see. If you get a celebration card, and a traveling card, that could apply to anyone. It means to me that I am in the celebration of my childhood, but am soon traveling to adulthood. To someone else it means they're having a good-bye party, because they're going to England for university. To an older person, it may mean they're in a celebration of life, but soon they will be traveling into whatever is beyond.

As to palmistry, I believe the same thing. I mean, the callouses on someone's hands can tell you things. You can tell from my hands that I take gymnastics, and I tear my hands on the bars. You can tell I write a lot with pen. You can tell I play Rockband drums too much, and used to get blisters. Now they're callouses. But your personality doesn't depend on how flexible your thumb is. But again, palm readers and palmistry books list gifts and vices that are very vague, so they apply to everyone.

It's a great self-awareness, all the techniques. But they aren't more than that. At least, not in
Nyxa's mind.

July 17, 2012

On silence

Silence is wonderful. We all need it once in a while. But what is silence to me? Silence is a relief to the noise. As an introvert, it means recharging myself, getting ready for the next onslaught of people and noise and words. Sometimes I lay in the LaZboy, and stare into space with the silence. Then I feel like punching something everytime a car goes by and interrupts my peace.

The interesting thing about silence is that it doesn't have to be complete. There are all colors of silence. There's black, and that's the silent padding of cat's feet. There's navy blue, and that's the peace of a seashore. There's white, which is unpleasant. But it's when there's a constant noise, it's the space in between. Like a metronome. That noise is gray, but the space between is white.

Right now I pause my music, and listen to the keyboard. The clicking of the keys is quiet. It's silver. Almost grey, but more pleasant. The sound of my fingers tapping out these words is a kind of silence in its own. Wind is silver as well. But when it howls, it's fuchsia. Then it's not silence anymore. Fuchsia is a noise color.

Anyways, off of colors. Silence is a great thing once in while. So turn off the music, close all the windows, and spare a moment or two to listen to the silver silence in between your breaths. What color is it for you?

On noise

I hate noise. But only certain noises. Something like an alarm, or a blow drier, or a blender, I hate. And people. Laughing, or yelling, or talking, if you're not a part of it, I hate it. It hurts my head. Sometimes I want to put my hands over my ears and scream so all I can hear is myself. Usually I just sit down wherever I am, and cover my ears. People think I'm strange, but I can't help it. If I listen to them any longer, I want to stop the noise, no matter what it takes. I want to hit them, until they stop talking.

It's not rational, maybe it's not normal. I'm not diagnosed anything, but I just can't stand noise. That's why I love music. It's loud, and it drowns everything else out. But it's purple noise, so I like it. I can feel the beat in my body. So it's a part of me, like screaming or like my mind. I love music. I like to dance. It helps me forget about anything else that's going on.

Anyways, I hate noise. It's like plaid patterns across my mind, That's why I hate plaid. Unless it's dark red. Noise is like lime green, and fire-truck red, and orange and baby blue. I hate all of those colors, because they hurt my eyes. I love black and dark purple and velvet red. Those are silence colors. I like silence because I can feel it against me. It's cold on my skin, especially closed eyelids.

So, yeah. No real point to this post, I just wanted to complain about noise. Hate it.

July 16, 2012

On War

War is horrible. Yeah, I think we can all admit that. It’s people killing eachother over oil, or other people's disagreements. But the terrible thng is that it’s our government justifying the killing. If one person meets another, and that other person has something the first one wants, and someone gets killed, the killer is put in jail. In some states, and many other countries, the killer is even killed. Although how that works, I don’t know. I’ll do a post on capitol punishment soon. Anyways.

But on the battle field, if one person kills another, they aren’t punished for it. Quite to the contrary. They are rewarded. Maybe they’re decorated. They come home wearing their uniform proudly, and they’re welcomed with open arms. Do ou think that would happen with any old killer? What is the difference between them?

I’m not saying there’s never a cause for war. I mean, some situations need to be solved by other countries. Like dictatorships. But I still think there are better ways to do it. I mean, cutting off their supplies. A ton of the world's products come from the US, China, and Canada. If those countries stop their imports, they would have to surrender. They could try and get the innocents out of the country. As little killing as possible. 

I mean, especially now. I mean, if one person in power got crazy and suicidal, all they need to do is send one atomic bomb over to America. They retaliate, some other countries get involved, and boom. The whole world goes up in mushroom clouds. Bomb shelters are no help to the atomic and nuclear missiles and bombs we have around now.

Isn’t it scary? I mean, one person gets an idea, and the whole world dies. Literally. But anyways, back to soldiers. I don’t understand how anyone could want to join the army. It’s killing people! It disturbs you, and the people who go in would have to be disturbed as well. Whether you're a front line soldier, a tech support, or an air force, you're still assisting the killing of people. Whether they're innocent or not! As a front liner, you can’t ask questions, you have to give your life to the government's hands. You become their puppet. And if you get shot down fighting for them, they don’t have to pay for it. Even though it’s their fault. They started the war. They told you to go where you did. They gave you the equipment that somehow didn’t save your life.

Anyways, this is just making me angry. I don’t support war, I don’t support the military. I will not wear a poppy on remmemberance day. The red also signifies support for the country and for the military, which I don’t want to enforce. I will attend the ceremonies, because I do respect the fallen soldiers. I will wear a white poppy. A white poppy signifies a respect for fallen soldiers, but also a non-support for the military. Peace. There you go, the hippie word. You know, I really love hippies. I'll make a post on them soon. But for now, peace out.

On Creation

How was the universe created? As with many things, people disagree. There is the science version 1, version 2, version 300 modified B. There is the Chrstian explanation, the inuit explanation, so many others. And then, there is the Nyxa explanation. Ready? Here we go.

There are many worlds in the universe. They float around, barely touching. Each is the same and different. We cannot fathom these universes. But they are there. And sometimes they connect, like soap bubbles sticking together for a moment before disappearing. Sometimes things go missing, into other worlds. Sometimes we see things that can’t be explained, and they can be explained in the other worlds.

These worlds form and disappear statically. Ours was formed a while ago. At first, it was like most other worlds, filled with darkness and nothing. And then another world touched it. It brushed against it, leaving it in darkness. But like a cat leaving behind hair, it left a little something. The something was not accepted with the nothing, they were not compatible.

They mixed and stirred, and exploded outwards. The world came from that explosion. The hot rock flew, metals and gems all liquid, coalescing because of the laws that were created in the same moment. And so the planets were created. The gasses from the explosion burned and formed into stars. Around these stars, planets spun in set patterns.

Around one particular star, a planet that was to be called Earth was formed. From then on, I believe in evolution. I belive that molecules turned into bacteria, which became micro-organisms, algae, and fish, evolving to go on land, etc. Google it. I’m done with creation.

Who is Nyxa?

Well, first, Nyx is the Greek goddess of night. She was born from Chaos, even before Earth and Sky. In some versions of the myths, Nyx is Chaos. For those non-Greekies, the whole universe was born from what they call Chaos.

She gave birth to the personifications of Day, Death, Sleep, Old Age, Sunsets, Friendship, Dreams, and Madness, among many others. She also creates the Furies (Avengers of the Underworld), and the Fates. And Charon, ferryman of the underworld.

That's where my name came from. I added 'A' from my everyday name, so that it wasn't as foreign. So that's who Nyx is, how about Nyxa? This may be a long post.

Well, I'm not telling my age. But I've written one book, and I'm working on two others. No, it isn't published, and has no intention of being. I am both an avid reader and writer. Book-wise, I love Harry Potter, and anything by Scott Westerfeld, Garth Nix, or Stephen King. I am always listening to music, and I would die without my Ipod, Luci.

My favorite bands are... impossible to name all of them. But as a taster, I love The Beatles, Culture Club, Disturbed, The Barenaked Ladies, Bif Naked, David Francey, R.E.M, and The White Stripes. But there's way more where that came from.

I love watching movies as well. Obviously. Favorite actors include Robert Downey jr, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Jack Nicholson. My favorite movies include The Dark Knight, The Shining, Sherlock Holmes; A game of shadows, Edward Scissorhands, and The Nightmare before Christmas. Favorite director is Tim Burton. Favorite soundtrack composer is Hans Zimmer, no contest.

Other stuff that defines me? Favorite colors black and purple. (And I know that black is a shade, thank you.) Favorite Beatle is John. I have around 7 email accounts in total. I love Rumi. And Silvia Plath. I have a slight obsession with people and characters that start with J. I want to be a sociologist or a child-youth counselor when I "grow up". I'm a girl, but I think you knew that already.

Right, that's it! If you want to know more about me, try reading more of the site.

Hello, Blog world

Hello. My name is Nyxa Zophia. I'm not at all sure if I'm doing this right, but I'll try it anyways.

I started blogging because I read Shoulder the sky, by Lesley Choyce. It's about a guy with lots of problems. And anyways, he starts a blog to kind of get away from them. It's a weird book, but anyways, it got me here.

So here I am with the reality of it. I'm guessing a max of one person will ever read anything here, but I'm going to get all of this out there anyways. So if you're bored, read on. It's a journal for me, an outpouring of thought, all from...

Nyxa's mind.