July 16, 2012

On War

War is horrible. Yeah, I think we can all admit that. It’s people killing eachother over oil, or other people's disagreements. But the terrible thng is that it’s our government justifying the killing. If one person meets another, and that other person has something the first one wants, and someone gets killed, the killer is put in jail. In some states, and many other countries, the killer is even killed. Although how that works, I don’t know. I’ll do a post on capitol punishment soon. Anyways.

But on the battle field, if one person kills another, they aren’t punished for it. Quite to the contrary. They are rewarded. Maybe they’re decorated. They come home wearing their uniform proudly, and they’re welcomed with open arms. Do ou think that would happen with any old killer? What is the difference between them?

I’m not saying there’s never a cause for war. I mean, some situations need to be solved by other countries. Like dictatorships. But I still think there are better ways to do it. I mean, cutting off their supplies. A ton of the world's products come from the US, China, and Canada. If those countries stop their imports, they would have to surrender. They could try and get the innocents out of the country. As little killing as possible. 

I mean, especially now. I mean, if one person in power got crazy and suicidal, all they need to do is send one atomic bomb over to America. They retaliate, some other countries get involved, and boom. The whole world goes up in mushroom clouds. Bomb shelters are no help to the atomic and nuclear missiles and bombs we have around now.

Isn’t it scary? I mean, one person gets an idea, and the whole world dies. Literally. But anyways, back to soldiers. I don’t understand how anyone could want to join the army. It’s killing people! It disturbs you, and the people who go in would have to be disturbed as well. Whether you're a front line soldier, a tech support, or an air force, you're still assisting the killing of people. Whether they're innocent or not! As a front liner, you can’t ask questions, you have to give your life to the government's hands. You become their puppet. And if you get shot down fighting for them, they don’t have to pay for it. Even though it’s their fault. They started the war. They told you to go where you did. They gave you the equipment that somehow didn’t save your life.

Anyways, this is just making me angry. I don’t support war, I don’t support the military. I will not wear a poppy on remmemberance day. The red also signifies support for the country and for the military, which I don’t want to enforce. I will attend the ceremonies, because I do respect the fallen soldiers. I will wear a white poppy. A white poppy signifies a respect for fallen soldiers, but also a non-support for the military. Peace. There you go, the hippie word. You know, I really love hippies. I'll make a post on them soon. But for now, peace out.

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