July 17, 2012

On noise

I hate noise. But only certain noises. Something like an alarm, or a blow drier, or a blender, I hate. And people. Laughing, or yelling, or talking, if you're not a part of it, I hate it. It hurts my head. Sometimes I want to put my hands over my ears and scream so all I can hear is myself. Usually I just sit down wherever I am, and cover my ears. People think I'm strange, but I can't help it. If I listen to them any longer, I want to stop the noise, no matter what it takes. I want to hit them, until they stop talking.

It's not rational, maybe it's not normal. I'm not diagnosed anything, but I just can't stand noise. That's why I love music. It's loud, and it drowns everything else out. But it's purple noise, so I like it. I can feel the beat in my body. So it's a part of me, like screaming or like my mind. I love music. I like to dance. It helps me forget about anything else that's going on.

Anyways, I hate noise. It's like plaid patterns across my mind, That's why I hate plaid. Unless it's dark red. Noise is like lime green, and fire-truck red, and orange and baby blue. I hate all of those colors, because they hurt my eyes. I love black and dark purple and velvet red. Those are silence colors. I like silence because I can feel it against me. It's cold on my skin, especially closed eyelids.

So, yeah. No real point to this post, I just wanted to complain about noise. Hate it.

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