July 19, 2012

On Fortune-telling

I don't believe anyone can see the future. But I do believe in tarot cards, and other tools of fortune telling. I believe that the topics and clues that tarot cards are so general, they apply to everybody. So you see in the cards what your mind wants you to see. If you get a celebration card, and a traveling card, that could apply to anyone. It means to me that I am in the celebration of my childhood, but am soon traveling to adulthood. To someone else it means they're having a good-bye party, because they're going to England for university. To an older person, it may mean they're in a celebration of life, but soon they will be traveling into whatever is beyond.

As to palmistry, I believe the same thing. I mean, the callouses on someone's hands can tell you things. You can tell from my hands that I take gymnastics, and I tear my hands on the bars. You can tell I write a lot with pen. You can tell I play Rockband drums too much, and used to get blisters. Now they're callouses. But your personality doesn't depend on how flexible your thumb is. But again, palm readers and palmistry books list gifts and vices that are very vague, so they apply to everyone.

It's a great self-awareness, all the techniques. But they aren't more than that. At least, not in
Nyxa's mind.

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